WastedStudios Tag

Star Log One is one of the most challenging projects we had the pleasure to work on until now. There are several reasons why this project is currently pushing our boundaries. But before I'm going to go into detail on the challenges we are facing...

We know, we know. It was silent over here for quite a while. We were busy working on a lot of different very exciting projects over the last year with so many various aspects in technology and purpose to prepare for that one huge challenge we...

Thanks to FFF Bavaria we got the opportunity to visit our first international conference in Lyon, France. In the following report about Cartoon Games and Cartoon Movie I will describe our personal perspective of the event including the advantages and disadvantages for a (indie) games studio....

So finally here's the first "real" blog-post with - at least some - informations  about what's going on at the moment and why we are using Leap Motion. The title could already implicate what the main reason of the post is for. We are currently working on a...